Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Google #9 Drawing

Today's assignment is the last of the "technology proficiency" assignments.  Log in to your Google account and go to Drive.

Click on create then drawing.  Rename "#9 Yourlastname."
Share with me (misterwalske@gmail.com).

You are going to explore the drawing program in Google Drive.  You will spend time creating a masterpiece.

You final drawing must contain 
different colors, 
and letters (your name at the very least).

Your final art must be school appropriate. 

You must spend at least 45 minutes creating this assignment.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Google #8 Resume

Today you are going to be creating a resume for yourself in Google Drive.

Create a new document, and rename it "#8 Yourlastname."  Share with me, misterwalske@gmail.com.  Use the picture below as a guide.

1)  Center your name, address and contact information.
2)  Include each of the 5 headings (Objective, Education, Experience, Relevant Skills & Courses, and Interests)  If you have not taken any college or vocational courses name the fourth heading "Relevant Skills."
3)  You don't need the horizontal lines to separate each category.

Notice that each heading is in bold and starts at the left margin.  All of the information after each heading starts at the same tab unless it is a further indented bullet point.  Correctly formatting a resume will make it look professional.  

The last thing you want is your resume to stand out for being sloppy and/or unprofessional.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Blog Assignment "Being Charitable"

This is a blog assignment.

Name your post "Being Charitable."

Here is the hypothetical situation.  Mark Cuban mega-rich business man and owner of the Dallas Mavericks shows up at Back Bay High School with two million dollars to spend.  He offers you a job.  The pay for this job is one million dollars. The job is to choose a charity that you care about.   Mr. Cuban wants to donate the other one million dollars to that one charity.
Let's be charitable.
Your job is to research different charities to find one that means something to you.  After you find the charity that you want to support, you will write a blog entry that 1) **briefly describes the charity in one paragraph2) details (at least 2 paragraphs) why this charity is important to you (what about this charity is personally meaningful to you) 3) includes a link to the charity's website and 4) includes at least 2 pictures related to the charity.

There are a total of 3 paragraphs in this assignment.

**The link to the charity's website will include all the information about the charity.  This is why you will only briefly describe (a few sentences) the charity in your post.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blog Assignment- "Bucket List"

A bucket list is a list of things that you want to do/accomplish before you die ("kick the bucket").  There is a 2007 movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman called The Bucket List about 2 terminally ill men attempting to complete all the items on their bucket lists.

For today's assignment, you are to come up with 5 things that you want to accomplish during your time here on earth.  Do not include things that you have already done.  Graduating college and having children are not on my bucket list, because I have already done those things.  List the things from 1-5 including at least 1 sentence describing why you want to do/accomplish each thing.

Minimum requirements

this is a blog assignment
numbered list of 5 things/goals/etc. that you haven't done yet.
at least 1 sentence describing why each thing was chosen

1. run a half marathon faster than 1 hour and 55 minutes-  I will never be an elite level distance runner, but I consider running 13.1 miles in less than 2 hours an accomplishment. My original goal was under 2 hours but 2 years ago I ran a 159:47.

2.  run a marathon (preferably in under 4 hours)-  I have yet to attempt this goal.  I will hopefully run my first marathon next year.

3.  complete a triathlon-  I know I can swim, bike and run.  The question is "can I find enough time to properly train for a triathlon?".  One day I will.

4.  travel overseas-  I have a passport, but have never used it (except for Mexico).  One day I would like to travel to many countries.

5.  Donate platelets as many times as possible-  I used to donate blood, but I was told for my blood type (A+) it was better to donate platelets.  Platelets can be donated every 2 weeks.  The problem for me is that the process takes about 3 hours and with 2 little ones at home I can't get away on the weekends for that amount of time.  Right now, I donate during the summer and vacation times since 2010.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Google #7 Letter of Recommendation

This is a Google drive assignment.
Today's assignment is writing another business letter.

Specifically, you will be writing a letter of recommendation.  When applying for certain jobs (usually the higher paying ones) or scholarships you will be asked to provide letters of recommendation (usually 3).  These letters are written by teachers, principals, former bosses, etc.

For this assignment you will be writing a letter of recommendation about yourself.  You will be writing this letter as President Barack Obama.  It needs to be typed in the proper format in Google Drive.  Name (Rename) your google document "#7 Yourlastname"   After you have named the document, share it with me misterwalske@gmail.com

Follow the example (pictured below).  Write this letter "Dear Mr. Walske:"  instead of "To whom it may concern:"

Your letter needs to have at least three paragraphs.  For example the paragraphs could be 
1) background information about you  2) skills/talents that you have 3) accomplishments you have made.

This letter is by President Barack Obama, about you, and addressed to me.

Barack Obama
United States of America
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. Walske
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave
Costa Mesa, California 92627

You will not be writing in first person "I this and I that."  You are writing about yourself (as the President), but you are not writing as yourself.  This letter will be written as Barack Obama in first person.

Example: this would be how I would write about myself as Barack Obama.

          I would like to recommend Mister Walske for the Governor of California.  He is a very intelligent and motivated person.  Mister Walske has great problem solving skills and works well under pressure. Blah, blah, blah, etc.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Google #6 Business Cards

Click on this link.
Choose the fifth template (circle business cards) and click "use this template"
Rename the document to "#6 Yourlastname"
Share with misterwalske@gmail.com
Edit 1 business card with your correct information.
Copy and Paste that onto the rest of the cards on the page.

You business card must have 
your first and last name
full address  (street number and name, city, state, zip code)
phone # w/area code  (###) ###-####
email address

Friday, September 19, 2014

My Top Three

This is a blog post.  Title it "My Top Three Yourcategory"

You get to choose the category (sports, video games, candy, soda, movies, television shows, foods, etc.)

List your choices from 1 to 3.  Write at least 3 sentences about why you made each choice.

Include at least 1 picture for each choice.

My Top Three Sports That I Play

1.  Beach Volleyball

I have been playing beach volleyball for about 25 years.  I love it for many reasons.  It is great exercise, and I love competing.  I have played in many tournaments over the years including one this past Saturday.  When I was younger, I would play for 8 hours a day on the weekends.

2.  Running

I have been into running since the ninth grade when I began competing on the track team.  After high school I ran sporadically.  I picked it back up and have been running consistently for the past 8 years.  I love the exercise aspect of running as well as the personal competitive part of it.  I currently compete in half marathons.  Last year, I ran the Surf City Half Marathon and well as the OC Half Marathon.  This year, I will be running the Long Beach Half Marathon (3 weeks from Sunday), the Surf City Half, and the OC Half.  I also love mud/obstacle course runs.  

3.  Curling

The newest sport that I participate in is Curling (the Olympic sport played on ice).  I have been curling for about 6 months.  I am currently in the last 2 weeks of my third league.  In my first league, my team won the championship!  In my second league, my team got dead last!  In the current league, we are playing in the semifinals on Saturday night.  If we win on Saturday, we will be playing for the championship on the following Saturday.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Google #5 Flyer

This is the fifth Google Drive Assignment

Today we are doing a one-page flyer document created with Google.  The content of this flyer will be whatever you choose (lost dog, garage sale, baby shower, etc.).

1)  Login to your google account.
2)  Click on the drive button in the top middle of the page (or found in that square made up of 9 smaller squares in the upper right corner of the page).
3)  Click on the red create button and select document.
4)  Click on the "Untitled document" title and change to "#5 Yourlastname."
5)  Click on the blue share button in the upper right hand corner.
6)  Type in misterwalske@gmail.com and make sure you allow me to edit.

Once you have completed steps 1 through 6 you can begin creating your flyer.

Minimum requirements

Flyer must be school appropriate.

Large centered title in the document  
(Lost Dog, Garage Sale, etc.)

at least 2 pictures (found in Google images)

at least 5 descriptive details about your topic.  (you can 

write in complete sentences or use bullet points)

full contact information including name, address, phone number and email address  (can be fake info)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

8 Graded Assignments

There have been 8 graded assignments so far in this class.  Today, I will be grading the last two typing assignments.

It is your responsibility to go to Schoolloop and check your grades.  Incomplete or incorrectly done assignments will not earn the minimum grade necessary, and you will have to revise, edit, and let me know you did so (so it can be regraded).

Unless otherwise stated, assignments should be completed on the day that they are assigned.  If you are not finishing assignments daily then you are not using class time wisely.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

More Typing

Go here and explore the lessons they have on typing.  Spend a few minutes with at least 5 different lessons.  You must fully complete at least 1 lesson.  Make sure you are keeping your fingers on the home keys, so you can develop good typing form.  This is a blog assignment.
Title the assignment "More Typing."

Do a screen capture of each lesson you have worked on before you exit out.

Lesson 1.  Make sure you are spending at least 2 minutes on each lesson.  The time is shown at the top.

The finished blog post will have screen captures from five (5) different lessons.

Monday, September 15, 2014


This is a blog assignment titled "Typing."

Go here and complete some typing tests.

1)  You will take at least one of each of the 5 timed tests (1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, and 5 min). Choose from lessons #26-35.  Change to a different lesson for each of the five tests.

2)  You will take a screen shot (shift/apple/4-then drag a rectangle over the area you want copied) of the best result for each test.  The picture is sent to the desktop.  Right click the picture, click "get info" and rename as "I minute" or "2 minute" depending on which test it was.

3)  You will post all 5 pictures on your blog titled, "Typing."   Caption each picture with the type of test it was (1 minute, 2 minute, etc.).
You will insert the 5 results pictures in your blog.  Make sure that you caption each photo with the   type of test it was (1 min, 2 min, etc.).

4)  This site also has typing games that will increase your typing speed.  Try out the games and type which one is your favorite and why.
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
My favorite game was Spacebar Invaders.  Everyone try Spacebar Invaders at least once.

Friday, September 12, 2014

"My Favorite Hobby"

This is a blog assignment.

Title the post "My Favorite Hobby."  Write at least 150 words about your favorite hobby (a school appropriate activity that you do for fun).  You can briefly summarize the hobby in a few sentences (no more than 3).  The majority of this blog post will be about your opinions of the hobby and why it is your favorite.

Example of a link.

Minimum requirements
3 paragraphs
150 words
2 pictures
1 link (to a related website)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Google #4

Today we are doing one of the required parts of the applied skills portion of this class.  We will be creating a budget spreadsheet using Google.

To begin, you must log in to Google and go to drive (documents).

Follow the directions that I give in class.  

Sign in to Google and go to Drive.
Click on Create.
Then click on Spreadsheet.
Change the Untitled Spreadsheet to "#4 Yourlastname."
Click share and type in misterwalske@gmail.com

You are going to create a monthly budget.

Starting with cell A1, then A2, then A3, etc. through A10, you will type in these 10 expenses:

Cell Phone
Car Payment

In cell A11 you will type Total.

Then you will select cells B1 through B10 and then click the dollar sign button.  Then with the cells still selected click on the sum button found in the "Crazy E looking tool" at the end of the row of tools.

Now enter in dollar amounts in each of the cells.  The program will automatically add the dollar sign and total these dollar amounts.

Finally, select all of the cells (words and dollar amounts) except for the total cells at the bottom.
Then click on insert chart (There is a button for this or you can find it under the insert tab).
Select the pie chart.
Position the chart so that it is to the right of the cells.