Thursday, September 18, 2014

Google #5 Flyer

This is the fifth Google Drive Assignment

Today we are doing a one-page flyer document created with Google.  The content of this flyer will be whatever you choose (lost dog, garage sale, baby shower, etc.).

1)  Login to your google account.
2)  Click on the drive button in the top middle of the page (or found in that square made up of 9 smaller squares in the upper right corner of the page).
3)  Click on the red create button and select document.
4)  Click on the "Untitled document" title and change to "#5 Yourlastname."
5)  Click on the blue share button in the upper right hand corner.
6)  Type in and make sure you allow me to edit.

Once you have completed steps 1 through 6 you can begin creating your flyer.

Minimum requirements

Flyer must be school appropriate.

Large centered title in the document  
(Lost Dog, Garage Sale, etc.)

at least 2 pictures (found in Google images)

at least 5 descriptive details about your topic.  (you can 

write in complete sentences or use bullet points)

full contact information including name, address, phone number and email address  (can be fake info)

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